Opioid Response Network

The Arkansas Academy of Family Physicians received a grant from the American Academy of Family Physicians National Research Network (NRN) and in collaboration with the Opioid Response Network (ORN) will provide education and training in opioid use and substance abuse disorders.
The Arkansas Opioid Response Network Data Brief
The Arkansas Data Brief describes ORN’s technical assistance efforts including training and education in Arkansas.

The Opioid Response Network Helps You Help Others
The opioid and stimulant crisis has strained the entire healthcare system and demands an array of solutions. ORN has brought together hundreds of addiction specialists and over 45 national professional healthcare organizations to support healthcare providers. All for free. Contact ORN to see how they can help enhance your efforts. Visit OpioidResponseNetwork.org. Funded by SAMHSA.
Free Education and Training from the Opioid Response Network
Even some of the most equipped organizations have found themselves overwhelmed by the opioid and stimulant crisis. If you are among them, ORN may be able to help. ORN has brought together hundreds of addiction specialists and over 45 national professional healthcare organizations to help healthcare providers and provide evidence-based practices. Contact the ORN today to see how they can help enhance your efforts. Visit OpioidResponseNetwork.org. Funded by SAMHSA.

Training and Educational Resources
Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS) is a program funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) created in response to the opioid overdose epidemic to train primary care providers in the evidence-based prevention and treatment of opioid use disorders (OUD) and treatment of chronic pain. The project is geared toward primary care providers who wish to treat OUD. PCSS is made up of a coalition, led by American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP), of major healthcare organizations including the AAFP, all dedicated to addressing this healthcare crisis. Through a variety of trainings and a clinical mentoring program, PCSS’s mission is to increase healthcare providers’ knowledge and skills in the prevention, identification, and treatment of substance use disorders with a focus on opioid use disorders.