Get Involved!
We encourage all of our members to serve your profession.
We take our role as protectors of patient’s access to care, and defenders of physicians’ scope of practice very seriously. We work to promote public policies that support our mission and vision to ensure that all Arkansans have affordable and accessible healthcare. Your voice is critical to the legislative process and we hope that you will lend your voice.
The Arkansas AFP participates in various state committees, task forces, boards and committees relevant to health care issues in our state. We also nominate members for positions on many Arkansas government related health related boards and committees.
The AR AFP works together with the Arkansas Medical Society on issues that do not pose a conflict with other specialties. We also work with other primary care specialty groups on legislative issues. We encourage you to stay active on issues that affect primary care by keeping in touch with your legislators. Specific Call to Action items will be emailed to our membership as needed.